UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark 2025/2026 Academic Session

UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark

This is to inform all interested persons that the UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark For the 2025/2026 session has been published. All prospective students planning to apply for UNIBEN post-UTME Form are expected to meet this mark in their JAMB Examinations.

Scoring the UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark or higher in the UTME Examinations indicates that you are suitable to study the course you wish to apply for. Candidates who score below this mark are usually not considered for admission or even allowed to move forward with the application process.

If you are curious to know more about the University of Benin Cut-Off Mark for admission and other requirements you are expected to meet, read this post to the end. We implore you to ensure that you ace this score if you are interested in studying at UNIBEN.

UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark For Admission 2025/2026

For the 2025/2026 academic year, the management of the University of Benin (UNIBEN) has approved and set 200 and above as the cut-off mark for admission. Yes, the UNIBEN cut-off mark is on the high side because admission into the University of Benin is quite competitive and you are expected to bring your “A” game if you want to study here. You must score 200 or more in your JAMB Examinations to be allowed to purchase the post-UTME form and apply for admission.

As with other universities, the cut-off mark set by UNIBEN is a general range and does not apply to all courses or departments in UNIBEN. If you are studying Law, Pharmacy, Medicine, and Surgery, or any other professional courses offered by UNIBEN, you need to aim higher. These departments set higher cut-off points because the slot for admission is limited. You are advised to check the UNIBEN Departmental cut-off mark and confirm if your preferred course is among the courses that require higher cut-off marks, this will save you a lot of stress.

Below, you will find all the information you need on the UNIBEN Cut-Off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026, read on.

UNIBEN Cut-Off Marks For All Courses 2025/2026

This table details a list of the undergraduate courses offered by the University of Benin and their cut-off marks, make sure you are qualified before you attempt to apply for UNIBEN Post-UTME Form 2025/2026.

Here is the updated table with a serial number column added:

S/NDepartmentCut-Off Mark
2Actuarial Science230
3Adult Education/Political Sci & Public Administration200
4Adult Education200
5Adult Education/Economics And Statistics200
6Adult Education/English Literature200
7Adult Education/Geography And Regional Planning200
8Agricultural Economics200
9Agricultural Engineering220
10Agricultural Science & Education200
13Animal & Environment Biology200
14Animal Science200
15Applied Geophysics200
17Banking & Finance210
20Business Administration210
21Business Education220
22Chemical Engineering220
24Civil Engineering230
25Computer Education200
26Computer Engineering200
27Computer Science215
28Dentistry & Dental Surgery250
29Doctor Of Pharmacy200
30Drama/Dramatic/Performing Arts200
31Early Childhood Education200
32Economics & Statistics200
33Education & Biology200
34Education & Chemistry200
35Education & Economics200
36Education & Edo Language200
37Education & English Language And Literature200
38Education & French200
39Education & Geography200
40Education & History200
41Education & Integrated Science200
42Education & Mathematics200
43Education & Physics200
44Education & Political Science200
45Education & Religious Studies200
46Education & Social Studies200
47Education And Computer Science200
48Education Fine & Applied Arts200
49Education Psychology & Curriculum Studies200
50Educational Administration200
51Educational Management200
52Electrical/Electronics Engineering200
53English Language & Literature200
55Environmental Education200
56Environmental Management & Toxicology200
57Estate Management220
58Fine Art/Fine & Applied Arts200
60Forestry & Wildlife200
62Geography & Regional Planning200
64Guidance & Counselling200
65Health Education200
67Home Economics & Education200
68Human Kinetics220
69Industrial Chemistry200
70Industrial Engineering200
71Industrial Mathematics200
72Industrial Physics200
73Industrial Relations & Personnel Management200
74Industrial Technical Education200
76International Studies & Diplomacy200
77Languages & Linguistics200
79Library & Information Science200
80Linguistics & African Language200
81Linguistics / Edo200
82Marine Engineering200
84Mass Communication220
86Mathematics & Economics200
87Mechanical Engineering200
88Mechatronics Engineering200
89Medical Biochemistry200
90Medical Laboratory Science230
91Medicine & Surgery260
92Metallurgical & Materials Engineering200
95Nursing/Nursing Science250
97Petroleum Engineering220
100Physical Education200
102Physics / Industrial Physics200
105Plant Biology & Biotechnology200
106Plant Science And Biotechnology200
107Political Science & Public Administration200
108Production Engineering200
109Public Administration200
110Pure & Applied Mathematics200
111Quantity Surveying200
113Religious Studies200
114Science Laboratory Technology200
115Secretarial Administration And Education200
116Secretarial Education200
117Social Work200
118Sociology & Anthropology200
119Soil Science200
120Special Education200
122Structural Engineering200
123Surveying & Geoinformatics200
125Technical Education200
126Theatre Arts200
127Veterinary Medicine200

There are about 128 courses in this table, check the table, confirm if your preferred course is available, and ensure that you meet the required JAMB score for 2025/2026 admission.

UNIBEN Admission Requirements For 2025/2026

If you meet the cut-off mark for UNIBEN admission and you also meet the requirements, then you are as good as admitted, check the requirements you need to meet below:-

  • When registering for JAMB, all candidates must ensure that they choose UNIBEN As their first choice of institution. Candidates who did not but are interested in UNIBEN admission can apply for a change of institution through JAMB.
  • All candidates must score the required cut-off mark of 200 or more depending on the course they want to apply for.
  • All candidates must have credit passes in at least five of their O’level subjects including maths and English. These credits must be obtained in two sittings or less. Candidates who are applying for Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, and the like must obtain all their credits in one sitting.
  • Candidates must be at least 16 years old at the time of applying for admission.

If you meet these requirements, quickly apply for UNIBEN Post-UTME Screening. Once the results are out, calculate the score and see if you meet the aggregate score for admission into your preferred department.

University Of Benin Departmental Cut-Off Marks For 2025/2026 Admission

To get your departmental cut-off mark, you have to calculate the aggregate score. An aggregate score is calculated by dividing your UTME score by 8, dividing your Post-UTME score by 2, and adding the results together. The total is your cut-off mark. After doing this calculation, you can proceed to compare your score with the score set for your department to know if you are qualified. See below for a section of the UNIBEN Departmental cut-off mark 2025/2026.

S/NDepartmentsCut-Off Mark
3Animal Sciences50
5Business Education50
6Chemical Engineering67
7Civil Engineering67
8Computer Education50
9Computer Engineering67
10Crop Science50
12Economics Education50
13Electrical/Electronic Engineering71
14English and Literary Studies50
15English Education50
17Estate Management50
18Fine and Applied Arts57
20Forestry and Wildlife50
22International Studies65
24Library and Information Science50
26Mass Communication66
28Medical Biochemistry57
29Medical Laboratory Science67
30Medicine and Surgery77
34Plant Biology and Biotechnology50
35Political Science Education50
38Production Engineering57
39Quantity Surveying50
41Religious Studies50
42Social Science Education50
43Soil Science50
44Structural Engineering53
45Theatre Arts59
46Veterinary Medicine65

Did you learn a lot from this article? If yes, please share with other prospective students who might need this information. If you would like to ask questions, the comments are open, we will respond to your questions as soon as you drop them. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The general cut-off mark for UNIBEN is 200.


Yes, professional and competitive courses have higher cut-off marks.


No, they must consider other institutions or programs.


Yes, but they must still meet the departmental cut-off mark.


The cut-off marks are published on the UNIBEN official website and JAMB portal.


Direct entry candidates must meet the requirements for their chosen course.


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