Kwara State University Postgraduate Courses

Kwara State University Postgraduate Courses

This article contains all you need to know about Kwara State University Postgraduate Courses and Programs. We have provided a detailed list of all the PG courses offered by KWASU, the admission requirements, and information on the duration of each program.

If you plan to apply for postgraduate admission at Kwara State University, it is important to know the courses available for each PG program, its requirements, and the duration. This will help you confirm if your preferred course is available, if you are qualified for it, and if the program duration works for you.

Kwara State University offers quite several postgraduate courses across various fields, read this post to the end to learn about Kwara State University Postgraduate Courses.

Kwara State University Postgraduate Courses

This is a table detailing the postgraduate programs available at Kwara State University (KWASU) across various faculties and departments. The table is segmented into faculties, departments, programs offered, and specializations to provide a clear and organized overview of the academic opportunities available at the postgraduate level. KWASU postgraduate courses are as follows:

AgricultureCrop Production– M.Sc. Crop Production (Full Time)Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Nematology, Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, Soil Fertility, Weed Science
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Crop ProductionAgronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Nematology, Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, Soil Fertility, Weed Science
  – Ph.D. Crop ProductionAgronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Nematology, Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, Soil Fertility, Weed Science
 Animal Production, Fisheries, & Aquaculture– M.Sc. Animal Production 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Animal Production 
  – Ph.D. Animal Production 
 Agricultural Economics & Extension Services– M.Sc. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management 
  – M.Sc. Agricultural Extension & Rural Development (Full Time) 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Agricultural Extension & Rural Development 
  – Ph.D. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management 
  – Ph.D. Agricultural Extension & Rural Development 
EngineeringCivil Engineering– M.Eng. Civil EngineeringStructural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering
  – Ph.D. Civil EngineeringStructural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering
 Food and Agricultural Engineering– M.Eng. Food and Agricultural EngineeringFood Engineering, Crop Processing & Storage Engineering, Soil & Water Engineering, Farm Power & Machinery, Environmental Control
  – Ph.D. Food and Agricultural EngineeringFood Engineering, Crop Processing & Storage Engineering, Soil & Water Engineering, Farm Power & Machinery, Environmental Control
 Materials Science and Engineering– M.Eng. Materials Science and EngineeringChemical Metallurgy, Materials Development, Renewable Energy, Nanotechnology, Biomaterials
  – Ph.D. Materials Science and EngineeringChemical Metallurgy, Materials Development, Renewable Energy, Nanotechnology, Biomaterials
EducationBusiness Education– PGDE Business Education 
  – M.Sc. Ed. Business Education 
  – Ph.D. Business Education 
 Early Childhood and Primary Education– M.Ed. Early Childhood 
  – Ph.D. Early Childhood 
 Kinetic and Health Education– M.Ed. Human Kinetics Education 
 Special Education– M.Ed. Special Education 
Information & Communication TechComputer Science– PGD Computer Science 
  – M.Sc. Computer Science 
  – Ph.D. Computer Science 
Pure & Applied SciencesBiosciences & Biotechnology– PGD Microbiology, PGD Zoology 
  – M.Sc. Microbiology, M.Sc. Zoology 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Microbiology, M.Phil/Ph.D. Zoology 
  – Ph.D. Microbiology, Ph.D. Zoology 
 Biochemistry– M.Sc. Biochemistry 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Biochemistry 
  – Ph.D. Biochemistry 
 Chemical, Geological, & Physical Sciences– PGD Chemistry, PGD Industrial Chemistry 
  – M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc. Geology, M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry, M.Sc. Physics & Material Science 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Chemistry, M.Phil/Ph.D. Geology, M.Phil/Ph.D. Industrial Chemistry, M.Phil/Ph.D. Physics & Material Science 
  – Ph.D. Chemistry, Ph.D. Geology, Ph.D. Industrial Chemistry, Ph.D. Physics & Material Science 
 Statistics and Mathematical Sciences– M.Sc. Mathematics 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Mathematics, M.Phil/Ph.D. Statistics 
  – Ph.D. Mathematics, Ph.D. Statistics 
Humanities, Management, & Social SciencesAccounting and Finance– M.Sc. Accounting, M.Sc. Finance 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Accounting, M.Phil/Ph.D. Finance 
  – Ph.D. Accounting, Ph.D. Finance 
 Business and Entrepreneurship– M.Sc. Business Administration (Entrepreneurship or Management Option) 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Business Administration (Entrepreneurship or Management Option) 
  – Ph.D. Business Administration (Entrepreneurship or Management Option) 
 Economics and Development Studies– M.Sc. Economics 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Economics 
  – Ph.D. Economics 
 Politics and Governance– M.Sc. Political Science, M.Sc. Public Administration 
  – M.A. International Relations and Strategic Studies 
 Religions, History, & Heritage Studies– M.A. Islamic Studies, M.A. Christian Studies 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Islamic Studies, M.Phil/Ph.D. Christian Studies 
  – Ph.D. Islamic Studies, Ph.D. Christian Studies 
 English and Linguistics– M.A. English (Language and Literature) 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. English (Language and Literature) 
  – Ph.D. English (Language and Literature) 
 Arabic and French– M.A. Arabic (Language and Literature) 
  – M.Phil/Ph.D. Arabic (Language and Literature) 
  – Ph.D. Arabic (Language and Literature) 

Check out the requirements for KWASU PG Admission 2024/2025 below.

Eligibility Requirements for Postgraduate Programmes at KWASU

If you are interested in applying for any of the postgraduate programs offered by Kwara State University, these are the courses you are expected to meet:-

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)

  • You must be a graduate of Kwara State University or another accredited institution of higher learning.
  • You must hold a Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of Credit in a relevant field or an equivalent qualification.
  • Candidates must also possess other credentials deemed acceptable by the School of Postgraduate Studies and the University Senate.

Master’s Degree Programmes (Academic and Professional)

  • To be eligible for this program, you must be a graduate of Kwara State University or any other recognized university with a minimum of a Second Class Upper Division.
  • Applicants with a Second Class Lower Division may also be considered, but they might be required to take a qualifying examination.

M.Phil/Ph.D. Programmes

  • All candidates must hold a Master’s degree with a cumulative (weighted) average score between 50% and 59.99%.
  • They must also satisfy the university’s basic matriculation requirements.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

  • Candidates for this program must have a Master’s degree with a minimum cumulative (weighted) average score of 60%.
  • They must also fulfill the university’s matriculation criteria.

You can go ahead and purchase the Kwara State University Postgraduate Admission Form 2024/2025 if you have confirmed that you meet the requirements listed here.

KWASU PG Programs Duration

Do you want to know how long it will take to complete your PG program? See below for answers.

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)

  • Full-Time: Usually takes 1 to 2 years.
  • Part-Time: Can take 2 to 3 years.

Master’s Degree (M.Sc., M.Eng., etc.)

  • Full-Time: Typically lasts 1.5 to 2 years.
  • Part-Time: May take 2 to 3 years.

M.Phil/Ph.D. Programmes

  • Full-Time: Takes about 2 to 3 years to complete.
  • Part-Time: Can take 3 to 4 years.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

  • Full-Time: Usually takes 3 to 5 years.
  • Part-Time: Can extend to 4 to 6 years.

We hope you found our article educative. If you have questions, we are waiting in the comments to receive and treat them. Share this article with friends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Courses include Business Administration, Computer Science, Law, and Engineering, among others.


Yes, courses like Biochemistry, Physics, and Environmental Sciences are available.


Yes, but candidates may need to take prerequisite courses if their background differs.


Yes, professional programs like MBA and MPA are available.


Fees vary depending on the course and program type (full-time or part-time).


Yes, the university provides facilities for research across various disciplines.

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