Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission List 2024/2025

Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission List

The Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission List 2024/2025 is out. The school management has uploaded a list containing the names of all candidates who were admitted to the HND programs offered by Edepoly. If you applied for HND admission at the Federal Polytechnic Ede, this is your cue to visit the admission portal and check if your name is among the successful candidates.

You are advised to confirm your name on the Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission List 2024/2025 as soon as possible so you can commence the registration process as soon as possible. We understand that checking your name on the admission list may be a bit confusing. We have made the procedure easy for you by providing instructions you can follow to check the list as quickly as possible. Continue reading for details.

Federal Polytechnic Ede Full-Time And Part-Time HND Admission List 2024/2025

The Edepoly 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Batch Admission List for 2024/2025 has been uploaded to the Edepoly HND admission portal. You can access and download the list easily by following the instructions provided in this post.

The Edepoly HND program is for individuals who have already completed their ND program and want to further their education. If you applied, make sure you check your name as soon as you can so you can start preparing to register for our courses and pay your school fees on time.

There are two simple ways you can check your name on the admission list. You can visit the school premises and check the central notice board. There, you will see the admission list pasted on the notice board and you can easily check your name.

You can also check your name on the admission list by visiting the admission portal. Instructions on how you can access the portal and check your name have been provided in this post so follow the instructions carefully to check your name smoothly.

How To View/Download The Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission List 2024/2025

All candidates are to immediately check their names on the Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission list as soon as they become aware of the release of this list. These are the instructions you can follow to check the list:-

  • Visit the Federal Polytechnic Ede Admission Status Portal at federalpolyede.edu.ng
  • Log in by entering your Form Number in the designated field.
  • Then, click on ‘Check Status’ to view your Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Admission status.
  • If you have been admitted, congratulations to you.

All admitted students just like in ND admissions are expected to pay their admission list as soon as they confirm that they have been admitted. Making this payment will indicate to the school that you are interested in the admission offered and that you are ready for studies at Edepoly.

The Federal Polytechnic Ede HND Acceptance Fee 2024/2025 is Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000) and is payable online via the fee payment portal. You are to log onto the FPE payment portal,  generate a payment invoice, and pay the acceptance fee to the authorized platform. Once you are done, print out the acceptance fee receipt and keep it safe.

Once you have completed this procedure, you can research the Federal Polytechnic Ede School Fee Schedule For 2024/2025 and pay the correct amount.

Did you find this article informative and were you able to use our instructions to check your name on the admission list? If yes, please share this post with your friends so they can also benefit from the information shared. If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments and we will respond shortly. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The list is usually released a few weeks after the application deadline.


Visit the FPE admission portal and check under the HND admission section.


Yes, the list may be released in batches based on departments.


Accept the admission, pay the acceptance fee, and complete registration.


Check for supplementary admissions or subsequent lists.


Late applications may be accepted with a penalty fee, depending on the polytechnic’s policy.

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