Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic HND Admission List 2024/2025

Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic HND Admission List

Dear AkwaPoly HND Applicants, the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived! The management of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua has officially released the HND admission list for the 2024/2025 academic session! Visit the admission portal now and confirm if you have been listed among candidates who have been admitted to pursue their HND studies at AkwaPoly.

The  Akwa Poly HND Admission List 2024/2025 has now been uploaded to the school’s admission portal. The Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic HND admission lists can be accessed using simple and easy-to-follow methods. Those who applied for admission are advised to visit the portal as soon as they can and check if they have been admitted.

Candidates who check the list and confirm that they have been admitted are required to complete certain tasks as soon as possible. This will ensure that their admission is secure and official. Curious to know what these tasks are? Read this article for details including the steps you can follow to access the admission list for HND applicants.

How To Access/Download Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic HND Admission List 2024/2025

The Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic HND admission list is now available online for download. If you applied for admission and are curious to know if you were successful, the steps below will guide you through the process.

  •  Go to the official Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic admission verification page at https://portal.akwaibompoly.edu.ng.
  • In the space provided, input your registration number carefully. Ensure there are no errors in the number you enter, as this is crucial for verifying your admission status.
  • Once you have entered your registration number, click on the “Verify” button to proceed.
  • After clicking the verify button, your admission status will be displayed on the screen. Make sure to read the details carefully and take note of any next steps mentioned.

Aside the online checking procedure outlined above, you can also check the admission list by visiting the school’s Facebook page. Also, if you reside close to the school premises, you can visit the campus and check for your name on the notice boards designated for announcements such as this.

If you have verified that you have been admitted, do not relax just yet, you need to make your admission official. You can do this by paying your acceptance fees and presenting payment proof to the appropriate officers.

The acceptance fee is payable online using the procedure outlined below:-

  • Use your username and password to access the portal at https://akwaibompoly.edu.ng/
  • Click on the ACCEPTANCE menu.
  • Select Acceptance Invoice from the dropdown.
  • Choose the relevant session from the options provided and click Submit to generate your payment invoice.
  • After generating the invoice, print a copy and take it to any bank to make your payment using the RRR Payment Code indicated on the invoice.
  • If you prefer, you can pay online using a credit or debit card (Verve, Visa, or MasterCard).
  • Once your payment is successful, either at the bank or online, return to the portal.
  • Go to the ACCEPTANCE menu and click on Pay Acceptance Fee.
  • After confirming your payment, click on Print Acknowledgment Slip to obtain your acceptance fee e-receipt as proof of payment.

You must pay your acceptance fee within a week or two of being admitted. If you fail to do so, you may lose the admission offered.

We hope you found our post as educative as we intended. If you have questions or need clarity, please reach out to use in the comments and we will respond shortly. Do not forget to share this post with other candidates who have yet to check the admission list.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

On the AISP portal or notice boards.

After the screening exercise.

Pay the acceptance fee and complete registration.

Yes, subject to approval.

Yes, if there are vacancies.

ND certificate, IT letter, and other academic credentials.

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